Sajid Tarar
Tarar has been passionate for a strong democratic system since 1986 when he was a law student at Punjab University's Law College. Later he came to the United States for his LLM and eventually settled here.
Tarar is a Muslim, and he’s a Muslim for Trump and a true Republican.
While responding to a question about America's ties with Pakistan, he said the US sponsored projects implemented inside Pakistan have been responde...d through hatred which is unacceptable.
He was of the opinion that Pakistan's foreign policy was another reason behind failing state of affairs between the two countries.
At one point, he referred to Indian economy as a market showing positive growth, further adding that a strong Indian foreign policy was the reason. About Pakistani economy, Tarar said the CPEC was going to destroy the Pakistani industry.
Taking the Pak-India comparison to a next level, the Republican politician claimed the Pakistani politicians and bureaucrats come to the US just for shopping while Indians discuss New Delhi's political relationship with Washington. "Nationalism is missing in Pakistani politicians," he asserted.
He also expressed his disappointment over the fact that Pakistanis were unable to get rid of such politicians although journalists had already disclosed their corruption.
Finally I want to thank for the time given by him and expressing his thoughts.
"khayyam Khan"
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